
Morin's Bay, a Shanty

Season two is out for casting

Rogues, a Heist Report - and a shanty.

Heist report

Last night, I finished the season two script — or, rather, my process for producing an “illuminated” actual play like The Thief that I call “script arrangement.” This moves the whole shebang into the next phase: “budget arrangement” and voice contracting.

There are a number of returning characters in the next seven episodes that makeup the second season, but there are several new, as well as a ton of background characters in the roles of guards, servants, and passers-by that I think are required to make a show seem lived-in.

My plan is to spend just a week casting and contracting, so April kicks-off sound design.

If this sounds like fun, or you want to help collaborate and make The Thief (and other shows like it), leave a comment and I’ll reach out.

Morin’s Bay

In the prologue of The Thief*, Symphony encounters a drunk guard, who is played by

. I don’t remember exactly how I asked, but one way or another I convinced Patrik to make-up a tune and drunkenly sing the following lyric:

“And should we touch in Morin's Bay
or any other port so far
and maybe let our anchor sink
and just like fishes we will drink ….”

And so he goes on
much as he did before
and spends much coin
on his liquor
and fell back hard with a smile
and sang "drink up my lads
it's worth your while."

The guard is in the background at the ~9:40 mark of “Da Capo • Prologue :: Part Two” - which I just noticed I never made available here on the website.

Enjoy. And if you are the kind of person who would like to sing drunkenly in the background, by god reach out to me.

Anyway, I endeavor to keep you abreast with the heist next week, and I’ll include some other snippet, that might elevate a progress report into something special.

More on that, later.

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